Massage for Function
Inspired by concepts designed to improve joint function and quality of movement. We use a combination of soft-tissue techniques to restore structural balance and postural alignment, increase joint space, and develop functional scar tissue where appropriate.
This is ideal for you if your day-to-day life is hindered by a specific condition or affecting a specific area of the body. $120-180. We are a no-tipping clinic.
Massage for Recovery
A sports-inspired massage combining techniques designed to warm and rejuvenate the body with slow, warming movements to ease aches and enable the body to recuperate.
This is ideal within days of major physical or mental exertion. $120-180. We are a no-tipping clinic.
Virtual Body Therapy
Wondering how this could possibly work? While we can’t physically be together, we are able to coach you through modifications in ergonomics, habits, posture that may be a factor in the discomfort you might be feeling. Try it! Schedule your first session and if you didn’t find it beneficial, we’ll refund the fee. This is ideal if you can’t make time or still aren’t comfortable seeing us in person. $50
One-on-One Health Coaching
Which parts of your life are frustrating you? What isn't working? Health coaching helps you focus on where you want to go, helps to develop your strengths, and inspires you to build the energizing lifestyle you want. You don't have to be alone and things can get better. Schedule your FREE one-hour discovery session to find out if coaching is right for you.